OpenEmbedded for medical devices @ Better Embedded 2013

On July 8th 2013 at 18:15 Silvio Laurenti presented together with me the state of art of a system compliant with European standards in the field of biomedical devices: it was an unique experience!
Slides - OpenEmbedded for medical devices
OpenEmbedded is a framework for embedded devices that allows you to quickly obtain a modular, extensible and lightweight GNU/Linux base system.
The talk will deal with how starting from this first system, adaptation operations have been carried out for the Tegra board used to satisfy the requirements of the created Qt application: we have gone from the recognition of the various hardware parts by the kernel to the optimization of the necessary components for the main software.
The various problems arising during this process and the solutions adopted to obtain a device that complies with the regulations in force concerning biomedical devices will be addressed.
More informations on the talk page at Better Embedded (webarchive).